Thursday 22 September 2011

Is it Correct?

I had to stopped working after an accident happen at me. (Is It Correct?)

I have been working in ABC Company more than 20 years. (Is It Correct?)

During the past 20 years, In ABC company I was working as Accountant, Human Resource Manager and Director. (Is It Correct?)

Now, I am working? (Is It Correct?)

Monday 29 November 2010

A bad Experience

In the surgeon room, I felt nothing because died or not died must depend on a lot of issues. Totally out of my control. The feeling is outstanding.

No one person like to choose this way to cure the injured by operation. So, some fears, some unfair feeling will come during the time. Funny was, i never felt that.

During the accident time, I am dizzy immediately. Before started the surgeon operation on my head, I was also faint down by gas . Any difference, no that is not much difference. When you are wake up, just found you are in the difference place.

Just ask" What is happening" and then recall memory to remember back the incident. A bad experience and must paid by your blood for the incident.

Friday 2 October 2009

A personal interest Vs Life rule

As a professional man or a normal human being. We should not bring a group of people standing on the dangerous position with personal interest. Maybe I am over imagination or over worry, but preventing or minimising of risk to protect some people interest always is priority.

My life rule is do not scarify some one interest to earn a single cents for own. If this rule is breaking at now, I think in future I do not have anymore happy life.

Friday 11 September 2009

Makan Ikan

Chinese like to chose fish as major food for every dinner. So, most of them have few way of cooking. As a good cook, steam fish become important to learn it.

I am not favourite on eat fish. But sometime found a fresh fish on the table, I could taste it.

Friday 21 August 2009

˙伊富鱼 ˙- 大 小: 1.50 公尺, 分布区域:河川下游, 出现条件:做出鱼片(66)、煮鱼(67)、寿司(59)三种料理 , 活动季节:钓鱼节目提到出现季节在春、夏、秋三季, 推荐钓竿:祝福钓竿、贤者钓竿 ,入手经过:牧场河川边, S/L 法,大约 PM 6 : 00 ~ PM 7 : 00 之间上钩.

˙鲤鱼 ˙-大 小: 0.80 公尺 , 分布区域:湖泊,  出现条件:鱼出荷量总计达 200 尾以上 ├活动季节:钓鱼节目提到出现季节在春、夏、秋三季 ├推荐钓竿:祝福钓竿、贤者钓竿 └入手经过:湖边, S/L 法,大约 PM 6 : 00 ~ PM 7 : 00 之间上钩

˙乌贼 ˙ 大 小: 0.50 公尺 , 分布区域:沿海 , 出现条件:抛竿前,将小鱼投入海中, 活动季节:钓鱼节目提到出现季节在春、冬二季 ... 吧 ,推荐钓竿:祝福钓竿、贤者钓竿 ,入手经过:冬季海边, S/L 法,大约 PM 6 : 00 ~ PM 7 : 00 之间上钩.

˙鮟鱼 ˙大 小: 1.00 公尺 ,分布区域:沿海, 出现条件: PM10 : 00 ~ 隔天 AM 8 : 00 之间, 活动季节:钓鱼节目提到出现季节在春、冬二季 ├推荐钓竿:祝福钓竿、贤者钓竿 └入手经过:冬季海边, S/L 法,大约凌晨 12 : 00 之后上钩.

˙温泉鲶鱼 ˙, 大 小: 1.20 公尺 ,分布区域:温泉, 出现条件:无 ,活动季节:不明 ,推荐钓竿:祝福钓竿、贤者钓竿 └入手经过:冬季, S/L 法,大约 PM 7 : 00 ~ PM 9 : 00 之间上钩

˙腔棘鱼 ˙大 小: 1.55 公尺 , 分布区域:湖矿场地底湖 , 出现条件:拥有其它5种鱼拓, 活动季节:不限 ,推荐钓竿:祝福钓竿、贤者钓竿, 入手经过:冬季,需要相当大的耐心.